
Build from source code

Git clone from FLAME repository.

$ git clone *repository-address*

Pre-requisites (may need to apt-get with sudo)

$apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-system-dev \
    libboost-thread-dev libboost-filesystem-dev \
    libboost-regex-dev libboost-program-options-dev \
    libboost-test-dev \
    build-essential cmake bison flex cppcheck git libhdf5-dev \
    python-numpy python-nose python3-numpy python3-nose

FLAME supports python 2.7 and 3.4, EPICS interface is optional.

Make build directory and compile with CMake.

$ cd flame
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

Test FLAME (include the beam dynamics test).

$ make test

Install with proper permissions.

$ make install # may need to install with sudo